KISS 2022

Show Result (2023)

HOME About KISS Show Result (2023)
Booth No. B406
  • Product Categories

    Security at Work

  • Country

    Korea, South

  • Address

    10-15, Hangang-daero 7-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea 익스피리언스 센터

  • Tel


  • Website

Company Description

As a provider of XR solutions for workplace operations and management, VIRNECT presents everyday digital transformation using augmented reality (XR) technology that pursues a smart, happy, and sustainable low-carbon future. Major domestic conglomerates and public corporations are already recognized as innovative solutions using VIRNECT 's XR solutions and are recognized as leaders in technology and markets.

Our Products

  • VIRNECT Make
  • VIRNECT Make is a solution that allows anyone to easily create the information they want into XR content without programming.
  • VIRNECT View
  • VIRNECT View is a solution that allows you to visualize XR content created with VIRNECT Make to improve work speed and accuracy.
  • VIRNECT Remote
  • VIRNECT Remote is a solution that can support, supervise, and record remotely efficiently with real-time wireless images and AR.