KISS 2022

Visitor Guide

HOME Visitor Visitor Guide
The exhibition open to registered trade visitors and professionals only. Minors aged 18 years and Minors aged 18 years and below will not admitted into the exhibition, even if accompanied by an adult.

Opening Hours

1(Mon) – 3(Wed) July 10:00~17:00
4(Thu) July 10:00~16:00

Admission Process

Online Pre-registration

Step 01. Online Pre-registration
Step 02. Visit “Pre-registration Desk”
Pick up your visitor badge
Step 03. Free Admission
Enter the exhibition Hall

Visitor with Invitation Card

Step 01 Invitation Card with your business cards
Step 02 Visit “On-site Registration Desk”
Fill in the registration form and submit the form with the Invitation Card
Step 03 Free Admission
Enter the exhibition hall

Onsite Registrant

Step 01 Purchase a Ticket
Admission Fee: KRW 5,000
Step 02 Visit “On-site Registration Desk”
Fill in the registration form and submit the form with a ticket to registration desk
Step 03 Admission
Enter the exhibition hall