KISS 2022


HOME Exhibitor Sponsorship


Exhibition Newsletter AD

1 Time : US$ 200 / 2 Times : US$ 300 / 3 Times : US$ 400
- Show Management Office sends e-newsletters to the visitors & buyers, regularly.
- Send to previous year’s visitor + 100 thousand trade.
- Advertisement size: TBA

Mobile Web AD

US$ 1,000
- Mobile Web including the exhibition’s information of exhibitor list, floor plan and so on.
- Limited 4 exhibitors
- Advertisement size : TBA


Carrier Bag AD

US$ 2,500
- Visitors get free carrier bags at the entrance.
- Visitors use this bag to carry brochures, prints, etc.
- Company can maximize its brand exposure to visitors.
- Limited to 2 exhibitors
- Advertisement size : TBA

Site Leaflet AD

US$ 500
- Essential buyer’s guide for visitors which includes booth layout, exhibitors list, events, etc.
- Site leaflet is very helpful to promote brand and indicate booth location.


US$ 7,000 / Exclusive : US$ 10,000
- Attendee badge lanyard: Intervals between sponsor’s logo and exhibition logo
- Limited to 2 exhibitors


US$ 3,000
- Visitors will use KIOSK to get the badge. Visitors will be able to see your company logo and booth No. at the main screen.
- Limited to 2 exhibitor

Hall Banner AD

US$ 1,500
- Company logo & simple information in hall banner
- The sponsor company’s banner produced by organizer will be hanger over the booth.
- Allowed in exhibiting hall only
- Limited to 2 exhibitors