KISS 2022

Show Result (2023)

HOME About KISS Show Result (2023)
Booth No. B113
  • Product Categories

    Health at work

  • Country

    Korea, South

  • Address

    206, Noksansaneopbuk-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Korea ILHUNG Co., Ltd

  • Tel


  • Website

Company Description

Since ILHUNG was founded in 1976, we have continuously developed and produced various welding products for more than 45 years and have grown into a leading company in the welding field in entire Korea and a supplier for the entire world. In particular, bolt-free molded welding helmets, single cables, and flexible torch body, completed with our unique technology, have been steadily receiving interest and love from customers since their launch and have established themselves as standard models.

Our Products

  • fume extraction system
  • It extracts welding fume directly at the point where it is generated, and the extraction rate is significantly superior to the indirect collector fixed on the ceiling. It extracts welding fume that scatters quickly effectively responds to the clogging phenomenon of welding fume composed of 0.02~10.0㎛ fine dust.