KISS 2024

2024. 7. 1(월) - 4(목), 킨텍스 2전시장


2020 국제안전보건전시회 참가업체

Polison Corporation-BLUE EAGLE


Polison Corporation (BLUE EAGLE SAFETY) founded in 1978 and is currently a leader in the field of personal protective equipment (PPE). The company's headquarter is located in Taiwan. Its products have been certified to European, American, and Canadian standard and sold to over 100 countries around the world. The trademark of BLUE EAGLE registered in over 70 countries, offering great reputation, and helping to establish work safety, improve efficiency and quality to first-line workers.


All Blue Eagle PPF products are designed, tested, manufactured, and undergo quality verification within our own plants and production lines (Taiwan). At Blue Eagle, every product bearing the mark of Blue Eagle is subject to comprehensive quality controls furnish it with even higher levels of quality, provide customers the best user experiences.

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